Badass Breastfeeding Podcast

Dealing With Unsupportive Medical Professionals

Dianne Cassidy & Abby Theuring Season 1 Episode 131

Submit your question and we’ll answer it in a future episode!

Have you ever been told something about breastfeeding that may not be true?

Do you feel like you may have received breastfeeding information from someone who is not a lactation professional?

Was this non-lactation professional your pediatrician?  Dentist? Pharmacist?

Well, you are not alone.


If you are a new listener, we would love to hear from you.  Please consider leaving us a review on itunes or sending us an email with your suggestions and comments to


Things we talked about:

·Examples of bad advice we have heard from professionals[4:35]

oYour baby’s teeth are rotting because of breastfeeding

oYour breastmilk is water now that your child is over a year

oYou have to dump your breastmilk if you take an aspirin

·Lack of education for families [7:10]

·What is the point of this episode? (other than dianne and abby bitching about stuff) [8:54]

·Options~what do you do when you get bad information? [10:15]

oGo to the press

oAsk for a manager


oEducate them

oSmile and nod

oRoll your eyes

·Who do they work for? [12:45]

oWhen to smile and nod

·Where did your health professional, friend, family member get their breastfeeding education from? [25:18]

·How would you deal with Aunt Sally? [26:20]

·How to prepare for an altercation JUST IN CASE[34:42]


This episode is sponsored by Fairhaven Health


**Look for the Fairhaven Health Giveaway on the Badass Breastfeeder Facebook and Instagram!**

Breastfeeding Tip of the Week is courtesy of  @theblublonde from the Badass Community [19:19]

Some other episodes you should check out or we mentioned in this episode

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Here is how you can connect with Dianne and Abby~

·Abby Theuring

·Dianne Cassidy


Music we use~

Music: "Levels of Greatness" from "We Used to Paint Stars in the Sky (2012)" courtesy of Scott Holmes at