Badass Breastfeeding Podcast

Why Your Doctor Is Wrong About Breastfeeding

Dianne Cassidy & Abby Theuring Season 1 Episode 121

Submit your question and we’ll answer it in a future episode!

“Honey, our pediatrician told me that our little guy shouldn’t be eating as much as he is.  And, I saw my OB/GYN today and he said I need to wean if I want to think about having another baby.  I didn’t think that was something I needed to do.  I am not ready to wean him yet, and I didn’t think he was eating too much – until today.  I am so confused.”  

“Honey, wait a minute.  Why did the OB tell you that?  We haven’t even talked about having more kids yet.  Don’t even worry about that!  And I’m pretty sure you don’t have to wean.”  

“Really?  UGH.  I am just so tired of the mixed messages.” 

“Honey, I listened to the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast this week.  Did you?  Dianne and Abby are talking about doctors, and how sometimes information can be confusing.”  

“HA!!  If Dianne and Abby are talking about doctors and breastfeeding, I’m sure they said more than that.  I will tune in, I bet it will clear some things up for me.”  

This week on the Badass Breastfeeding Podcast, Dianne and Abby are discussing how information from doctors can be misleading, confusing, and downright incorrect.  How much lactation training do they get anyway??  You better listen to this week’s episode if you want to know more about that! 

Thanks for all the reviews on iTunes! They really help us out. Please keep them coming!! Stay tuned because we will have another comment giveaway soon!!  

Dianne can be seen at and Abby can be seen at  

Music: "Levels of Greatness" from "We Used to Paint Stars in then Sky (2012)" courtesy of Scott Holmes at Holmes